How to make cleanliness a habit (Fit for Life)

Dr Dilip Sharda (President of Indian Medical Association) tells us how the H1N1 virus showed how poor our immune system is.
As prevention is better than cure, if we have clean environment we can have a better health
To change the society to be more clean, we need to start from the children. If we are successful in making cleanliness a habit into children. They will question elders when they are making the place dirty. Sadly there is poor civic sense in our society. We see people spitting on the road, blowing horn at the red lights, talking on the cellphone while driving, etc without thinking for a second whether they are doing something wrong.
If we instill spitting on the road is a bad habit into these young minds then this unhealthy practice will reduce.
Since most of the toilets in the municipal schools are dirty, children avoid going to the toilets. This tends to cause Urinary tract infections. School authorities should ensure that the toilets are clean.
Anaemia is rampant in the poor strata of the society while obesity is rampant in the
well to do strata of the society.
Its the responsibility of the parents to instill personal hygiene into children. Simple habits like taking a clean handkerchief goes a long way. Prevention costs little but still people then to pay through the nose for the treatment rather than prevention.
Simple tips on health and hygiene will provide an insight into the need for creating healthy surroundings to keep our children fit.
Parent should not install the habit of instant gratification into the children as later the children try different tactics to get their demands fulfilled.
A healthy child is one who is physically fit and also mentally and socially fit.
As Swami Vivekanad said a healthy mind leaves in a healthy body.


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